Joining Beavers is just the beginning of a big adventure. At Beavers we go on walks, complete badge work, explore the world around us, participate in team challenges and games, try new activities and develop skills for life.
Beavers are aged between six and eight and wear a turquoise jumper and our red and black group Necker. They meet on Mondays at our Headquarters in Bromley Cross.
Download the Parent's Guide to Beavers
Being a Cub opens up a whole other world. At Cubs we go on sleepovers, complete badge work, partake in adventurous activities, improve the world around us and develop skills for life.
Cubs are aged between eight and ten and a half and wear a dark green jumper and our red and black group Necker. They meet on Mondays at our Headquarters in Bromley Cross.
Download the Parent's Guide to Cubs
Scouts ignore the butterflies and jump in. At scouts we sleep in tents, bivvies’ and hammocks, complete badge work, develop leadership skills and use innovative, help to local community and those in need, cook on open fires and stoves and develop skills for life.
Scouts are aged between ten and a half and fourteen and wear a teal shirt, a pair of activity trousers and our red and black group Necker. They meet on Mondays at our Headquarters in Bromley Cross.